Qwire Code of Conduct


A Code of Conduct is a set of rules outlining the social norms and responsibilities of, and/or proper practices for, an individual. It sets out principles, values, standards, or rules of behaviour that guide the decisions, procedures and systems of an organisation in a way that (a) contributes to the welfare of its key stakeholders, and (b) respects the rights of all constituents affected by its operations.

A Code of Conduct can be an important step in establishing an inclusive, respectful culture, but it is not a comprehensive solution on its own. A respectful culture is created by the organisation’s leaders who manifest their ethics in their attitudes and behaviour.

The proof of effectiveness is when members/volunteers feel comfortable enough to voice concerns and believe that the organisation will respond with appropriate action.

Fundamental to this Code of Conduct is the principle of reciprocity: to treat others as you would wish to be treated.


1. General principles for all Qwire members

  1. All members of the Qwire will adhere and commit to the Constitution of the Canberra Qwire, and to this Code of Conduct.
  2. All members of the Qwire will be mindful of the reputation of the Qwire and commit to maintaining the Qwire’s good standing in the community.
  3. All members shall treat one another with respect and courtesy at all times.
  4. All members commit to being generous in using their skills and knowledge to help one another if needed within the general activities of the Qwire.
  5. All members shall refrain from undermining the confidence of, or otherwise diminishing the confident participation of, other members.
  6. Issues or disputes which may arise concerning the activities of the Qwire – rehearsal, performance, social or other – shall be taken to the Qwire Committee for resolution, and the Committee’s decision will be accepted with good grace.

2. Executive (Committee and Music Team)

  1. All members of the Qwire Executive will lead by example in treating one another, and all members of the Qwire, with respect and courtesy.
  2. Issues brought to the attention of the Qwire Executive by Qwire members will be treated in confidence, respectfully, expeditiously and with a generous spirit, to reach a resolution that is fair to all concerned parties.
  3. Members of the Music Team will be mindful of the intensely personal nature of creativity and its associated vulnerabilities, and take particular care to show respect and courtesy to one another, adhering to the principle of reciprocity (see Preamble above).
  4. Artistic or related issues which may arise within the Qwire Executive will be treated in confidence, respectfully, and with a generous spirit, to reach a resolution that is fair to all concerned parties.
  5. Disputes which may arise within the Music Team, and which cannot be resolved internally by the team, shall be brought before the Committee expeditiously, and the Committee’s decision will be accepted with good grace.
  6. Disputes which may arise within the Qwire Committee will be dealt with in accordance with the Qwire’s Constitution.
Last update: 16 March 2025